Building our 2021-2031 Big Goal
In 2012-2013, our SIA board of directors adopted a big goal for our strategic plan: Increased Collective Impact. This means all levels of the organization are working on the same goal – increasing the number of women and girls we reach through our brand unifying Dream Programs. By focusing on what unites us – providing access to education to increase the economic empowerment of women and girls – we will be better known for our work and engage more people in our mission.
Frequently Asked Questions: Our Dream Program Strategy
Learn about the importance of education in achieving economic empowerment in our research paper, Education and Economic Empowerment: The Future for Women and Girls
2018 Convention Exercise
During our meeting in Yokohama, Japan, we used a SOAR model to focus on our strengths, opportunities, aspirations and results. Our aspiration is our next Big Goal: Invest in the Dreams of Half a Million Women and Girls Through Access To Education. Small groups focused on the opportunities and strengths of SIA could capitalize on to achieve our next Big Goal. What do we do well that, if we did more, we could have greater impact through our Dream Programs? Nearly 2,000 members participated in the exercise.
Pesquisa da Con-venção do Grande Objetivo
2018 Member Survey
The 2018 members survey gave members the opportunity to weigh in about their dreams for our next century.
Pesquisa sobre o Grande Objetivo