Our 2021-2031 Big Goal
Invest in the Dreams of Half a Million Women and Girls through Access to Education
Together, we are preparing our organization for our 2021-2031 Big Goal: Invest in the dreams of half a million women and girls through access to education. This has involved multiple opportunities for region, club and individual member engagement in building our 2021-2031 Big Goal and defining strategies to ensure its success.
Big Goal Accelerator Projects
Learn more about Soroptimist's new program to value club work that contributes to our Big Goal.
Empowering More Women and Girls through the Big Goal
To kick off our next Big Goal, we’re encouraging each club and region to increase the number of women and girls they reach through access to education! Read the handout linked below for tips on how to expand the reach of your Dream Programs and other club work.
Will your club Take One Step to support our Big Goal of investing in the dreams of half a million women and girls through access to education?
Read about the importance of education in achieving economic empowerment in our research paper, Education and Economic Empowerment: The Future for Women and Girls.
What Counts for the 2021-2031 Big Goal: Invest in the Dreams of Half a Million Women and Girls
Club and region work that increases access to education for women and girls facing obstacles and leads to economic empowerment will count towards our next Big Goal! Clubs and regions wanted their local work to count, and now it will! Starting in 2021, SIA will begin collecting information from clubs and regions about their work outside of the Dream Programs that contributes to our 2021-2031 Big Goal. These projects will be called Big Goal Accelerator Projects. It is important to note that not all club and region projects will count toward the next Big Goal.
Success & The Big Goal
Learn how our award-winning Dream Programs will drive the Success of the Big Goal.
Adding It Up: What Counts for the next Big Goal
At a recent meeting, the SIA Board of Directors reaffirmed their commitment to next Big Goal: invest in the dreams of half a million women and girls through access to education. Our award-winning Dream Programs currently reach approximately 20,000 women and girls per year through Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls ® and Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women ®. It will take clubs around the federation working together to increase their reach through these life-changing programs in order to reach our 2021-2031 Big Goal, but your SIA Board believes in you!
Additionally, the Board recently voted to count some other club work towards the next Big Goal. Clubs wanted their local work to count, and now it will! For your club project to count towards the next Big Goal, it must:
- Increase access to education with the ultimate goal of economic empowerment
- Solely serve women and girls who are facing obstacles
- Be reported to SIA using the club project reporting link (this will be shared later in the 20/21 club year)
Some eligible types of projects (provided that they serve the target population of women and girls facing obstacles) would include:
- Scholarships/education awards
- Training classes
- Providing specific items to help with education (such as a laptop, textbooks, or transportation to get to school)
Some projects that would not be eligible would include:
- Projects that focus on beautification of a space
- Awareness-raising
- Providing items that do not assist with education (such as holiday gifts)
Dream Programs work should not be reported as other club work, because we have other established mechanisms to collect that information.
An example of an eligible project would be a scholarship awarded on the basis of financial need to girls. This project increases access to education by lowering the financial barriers, and serves girls facing obstacles. But the club must be sure to report it appropriately to have it count towards the Big Goal!
An ineligible project would be hosting a class on applying makeup provided to women residing in a domestic violence shelter. If the class is focused only on applying makeup for personal enjoyment, it would not increase the women’s likelihood of achieving economic empowerment. However, if the club sponsored a cosmetology class that resulted in a credential for the women residing at the shelter, that project would be eligible since it increases access to education for the women by providing it directly, it focuses on women experiencing obstacles, and increases their economic empowerment by improving their skills for employment.
Additional information will be shared throughout the 2020-2021 club year, including at region conferences. Specific questions can be directed to program@soroptimist.org.
Communicating Your Change
As we prepare to substantially increase the number of women and girls we serve through the Dream Programs, communicating with our community partners is a critical step. Perhaps your club has participated in Working as One, has used the Club Planning Tool and has decided to make some changes in your club’s focus.
Perhaps your club has decided to stop supporting a local organization that you have supported for years, and want to make sure they are prepared and understand why you are making this change. Use this communication packet as an aid in communicating these difficult, but necessary transitions in your club's direction.
2018 Convention Exercise
During our meeting in Yokohama, Japan, we used a SOAR model to focus on our strengths, opportunities, aspirations and results. Our aspiration is our next Big Goal: Invest in the Dreams of Half a Million Women and Girls Through Access To Education. Small groups focused on the opportunities and strengths of SIA could capitalize on to achieve our next Big Goal. What do we do well that, if we did more, we could have greater impact through our Dream Programs? Nearly 2,000 members participated in the exercise.
Pesquisa da Con-venção do Grande Objetivo
2018 Member Survey
The 2018 members survey gave members the opportunity to weigh in about their dreams for our next century.
Pesquisa sobre o Grande Objetivo