For almost 100 years, Soroptimist has been helping women and girls unleash their power. As a global volunteer organization with deep experience and insights, we know the best way to lift up communities, nations and the world is to educate women and girls. Your gifts empower women and girls to reach their full potential and live their dreams.
YOU are helping women and girls around the world achieve their goals. Donate now and help them live their dreams.
As Soroptimist starts its second century, now is the time for us to leave a legacy for future generations of Soroptimists and for so many millions more women and girls who are counting on us.
—Diane Thompson, SI/Hines Park, MI (Midwestern Region)
Make Your Contribution Today
Throughout Soroptimist's countries and territories, at least 20 million women and girls who face poverty, violence and other obstacles could benefit from our programs. Make their dreams come true. Log in and make your contribution today!