Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Training and Resources to Promote Diversity
The videos below will provide an overview of how to incorporate more inclusive practices into your Dream Programs. Through the training, you will learn how to understand and navigate the diverse lived experiences of Dream Program participants while gaining practical tools to work effectively with women and girls who face obstacles to success.
Training Videos
Click on each video below to be taken to our YouTube page, where you can find the videos and resources for each training.
Training Video #1: Definitions and Examples of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Dream It, Be It Parental Consent Forms: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese
How do you see these concepts of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion playing out in your community—your work, your place of worship, your club?
Do your programs currently engage women and girls who have different life experiences than you and the majority of your club members?
If your club would like to explore this further, we recommend this follow up activity from the University of Houston: How Diverse is Your Universe?
Training Video #2: The Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to Our Work
Have you ever encountered a woman or girl in the Dream Programs who has navigated these additional challenges? What was her experience like?
Have you ever realized that you didn’t adequately understand a woman or girl’s lived experience because she had a different experience than you?
Use the following site(s) to look up your city, county, and/or state in the United States or Canada. After looking through the data available for your area, answer the following questions in groups of 4-5:
- Did any statistic surprise you?
- Were there any statistics that stood out to you or any that were lower or higher than you expected?
- Were there any preconceived notions that you had about your area that were upheld? Any that were challenged?
- How does this information compare to the identities of your club? Your Dream Program participants?
- What will you or could you change about your current programs to better serve your community?
Training Video #3: Implicit Bias
There are many implicit bias tests that you can take to see how your lived experience and preconceived notions might be impacting how you interact with others. The below tests are just some useful ones from Harvard University:
- Sexuality IAT
- Age IAT
- Race IAT
- Disability IAT
- Gender-Career IAT
These tests can be taken as part of a large group activity or you can ask club members to take them at home, as time allows. Then, you can talk about everyone’s results as a large group or you can ask participants to reflect on their results individually. Evaluate the comfort of your club members and continue accordingly.
- What did your results say? Did anything surprise you? Did you notice anything out of the ordinary or unexpected? Did you receive any results that you did expect?
- Did anyone receive similar results? Very different results? Why could that be?
- Did anyone learn anything new about themselves through these tests?
- Are there any implicit biases that you learned about yourself that you are going to plan to work on? Any plans of action in place?
Training Video #4: Learning about Trauma
For some further independent learning, watch 2019 Live Your Dream Award federation recipient Natalia's video.
- What are the different challenges she faced and will continue to navigate in her life?
- What kinds of resources might be helpful to someone who has experienced these challenges?
- How does your club’s Dream Programs work support women like Natalia?
Research local resources for women and girls in your area. Where can they go when they experience a traumatic event or are ready to process trauma? This may make you feel more equipped to interact with future Dream Program participants if you have resources and knowledge on-hand. Keep this list up-to-date and available for participants! A template for this information is available on our website.
Training Video #5: Skills to Work Effectively with Program Participants
When has someone shown you these traits? How did it make you feel? How did it help you navigate the situation you were in?
Consider reading the articles below about the basics of providing trauma-informed care. How can you incorporate more of these principles into how you interact with your Dream Programs participants?
6 Guiding Principles To A Trauma-Informed Approach, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
The Basics of Trauma, The Army of Survivors
What is Trauma?, Psychology Today
Training Video #6: Best Practices for Interacting with Dream Program Participants
Live Your Dream Award PDF Application
Live Your Dream Award PDF Reference Form
How to Host a Successful Club Event Honoring Your Recipient
Dream It, Be It Parental Consent Forms: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese
Other Resources
Tips for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Dream Programs
A collection of the tips and ideas for incorporating the practical aspects of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into your Dream Programs
Local Resources for Dream Program Participants - Template
A template designed to be used by clubs to highlight local resources that may be of interest to Dream Program participants