In 1921 a man walked into a secretarial school owned by two women and that is where our history began. Immerse yourself in the stories of our bright past and learn about those who forged our path and helped make Soroptimist the global organization it is today.
Time Capsule Reveal
During our virtual anniversary event in September, we opened the Violet Richardson bronze portrait time capsule, which resides at SIA Headquarters in Philadelphia. Learn more about the history of the time capsule and contents!
Many people are surprised that a women’s organization includes a man in its origin story. Stuart Morrow helped propel the first clubs to their founding.
Learn about the North American clubs that were established before the 1927 convention and established a structure for Soroptimist.
Stay Tuned!
The First Leaders
Soroptimists have come from all different areas and professional backgrounds. Learn more about the influential women in the early years of Soroptimist.
Stay Tuned!
Historical Photos
View important photos from our history. These graphics are low resolution. If you need high resolution versions, please complete and submit this form.
Interested in hosting a virtual history presentation for your region or club? Lisa Mangiafico, SIA’s Associate Director of Records & Risk—and curator of our archives—is available upon request to share her personal knowledge, fascinating tidbits and other significant stories from SIA’s history and archival collection. Lisa has spoken to and interviewed interesting members from all over the world. She has had the privilege of speaking with family members of noteworthy members from our history. And she will be the one to open and reveal the contents of SIA’s time capsule during our upcoming live event in September 2021. If there is anything you want to know about our bright past, Lisa is the one to ask! Email for additional information.
Join in the Anniversary Celebration Fun!
SI and Other Federations
See how our Soroptimist sisters around the globe are celebrating.