Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc.

  • Join the Walk for Women

    Lace up your sneakers and move for a mission as we honor the strength and spirit of women everywhere during the month-long Walk for Women event!

    Get Involved
  • Live Your Dream Awards

    Soroptimist's Live Your Dream Awards program is a unique education award for women who provide the primary financial support for their families.

    Learn More
  • Invest in half a million more women and girls

    We can’t reach this Big Goal without our members, donors, volunteers, and YOU!

    Join Us
  • Natalia's Extraordinary Story

    Live Your Dream Award recipient Natalia, is persevering through life-long hardships

    Meet Natalia

Helping women and girls live their dreams


We Are Soroptimist.

A global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment, especially those facing significant obstacles.


Our focus is on education because educated women and girls are:

emancipation of women

less vulnerable to sex traffickers

the empowered woman

more likely to leave a domestic violence situation and not return

ways to eliminate poverty

able to access healthcare

how to get rid of poverty

less likely to live in poverty

effects of poverty on children

able to raise stronger, healthier families

Join us and support our mission


Give Monthly to Join Stargazers

Our Partners


Special thanks to our current and past partners for believing in us and the women and girls we help.

Learn More

Unlock the potential of women and girls

People like YOU are helping women and girls around the world achieve their goals. Donate now and help them live their dreams.

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